Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Photo taken in daylight is above as opposed to photo of painting below
taken under artificial lighting at night. Big difference.

Title:  Spring Break-up on the Magundy
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10
Our acreage is along the Robert Campbell Highway about 30 km from Faro. 
Walking by the river in the spring is such a lovely time. The river opens up and you see the aqua water with bits of ice meandering along. There is a trail all along our property and it is my favourite place to walk.

Quote for the Day:
"Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?"

That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future."
From Siddhartha by Herman Hesse


  1. Hi Jackie, just discovered your blog and was intriguedto see more of where you lived and what you do. I really like your work, you obviously have fun and enjoy what you do. I also paint and sometimes find it hard work and more like a job sometimes. But then I have to earn the money for the pint. When I really 'let go' and produce something which I'm really proud of and it sells the feeling is wonderful and it means a lot, but equally I can feel quite low when the same piece of work appears to be ignored. Do you paint outdoors? I guess maybe noot as it must be very cold!

    People tell me I'm an artist but I say I am a painter I just paint like someone might grown crops, I don't get 'deep' about the reasons why I do it.

  2. Hi Nigel, I also really like your work as I saw it on the art of landscape blog - your autumn pieces are stunning! I was impressed with your blog and your paintings have an old world feel which I really admire.
    The Yukon is an incredible place to live but definitely not for everyone. I lived all across Canada but found my true home as a painter of landscapes when I came here. In all of the Yukon territory there are approx. 35,000 people, The square miles 185,00 (all of UK is about 130,000) The biggest city is Whitehorse and it is 4 hours to drive there. The landscape is incredibly beautiful, rugged and yes wild. There are bears, wolves and lots of other furry things! I do really enjoy my painting and it is freeing to not think about the money - I on the other hand am not making a living from my art. I have always struggled with the marketing, getting known thing. I lose my spark when I focus on these things. Ironically this blog is my favourite marketing tool. I don't think it really matters if people like or don't like my stuff, the important thing is that I keep doing it, I feel it is what I am meant to do, and the PROCESS of being in the moment painting is one of the greatest joys I have experienced in life but I do other jobs to earn money - I work in the summer.
    I do paint outdoors - not in the winter though and It is about -4 fahrenheit here now. we have snow but not quite enough to snowshoe here yet so I look forward to going outside daily to do this. The summer is fantastic for plein air and I am wanting to do more of this. On our acreage is in the forest around the Magundy River is an unlimited source of inspiration but there are bears too!
    Thanks for your comments Nigel

  3. Jackie, that one looks like a photograph! Amazing!

  4. You are so supportive Kara - I ddn't know if I really liked this one - I have to re-post the photo as I took it last night at 10:30 and the lighting was not great.
