Monday, 31 October 2011


Title:  Faro Peak from the Big Rock
Medium: Acrylic
Size:  6x8

Quote for the day:
That which you persist in doing becomes easier to do.
Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed, but that your ability to do it has increased! 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have now completed one month of painting - so I roughly have two more to go.
I put an update in our local newsletter called the Frozen Mukluk - anyone wanting to know all about the little community I live in can read the Mukluk on-line by going to our town website:  www.faroyukon.ca  click the Link to the newsletter.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Title: Northern  Legend
Media: Oil Pastel and Acrylic
Size: 6x8
Quote for the Day:

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs;
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Harold Whitman

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Title: Oh Aurora!
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8

Quote for the Day:
"Drink your tea slowly & reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves -slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. 
Live the actual moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Life's Simple Little Pleasures
So much talk today of living in the moment and being fully present
 (concepts I heartily agree with). 
Enjoying simple tasks and appreciating the good things in my life are a
BIG part of this for me.
 In the morning, I enjoy grinding up my Midnight Sun dark roast coffee beans and seeing the rich black hue. Pouring the ground coffee into my Bodum Coffee Press and adding the boiling water.  The best part is the initial sound that results when the water hits the beans, it has a musical quality to it. Ahhh!! and then the aroma (they say that smell is the most evocative and powerful sense (probably true)
I have reached heaven on earth and I haven't even had my first sip yet!

Friday, 28 October 2011


Title:  The Three Sisters
Medium:  Acrylic
Size: 6x8
Some of you may recognize this pond from the Mitchell Road.  A lot of people have photographed it. Halloween is just around the corner and I am coming up to completing my first month of daily painting.  People around town have asked me how I am doing with it and I have to say that I absolutely love it!  
I think the more you do something the easier it gets.
I have to do some extra painting in the next few days for my gallery in Whitehorse.
I intend to keep these hundred paintings as one whole collection for my show in March in  Whitehorse At Yukon Artists at Work. 
Title of the show:  A 100 in a 100!

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Title:  Aspens and Sunshine
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10

Quote for the Day:
"It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward." - Proverb

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Morning Sonnet
Medium:  Oil Pastel
Quote for the Day:
"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!  Dr. Seuss

I often strive for some form of realism in my painting but I love to do these pictures where I just paint what I feel.  Expressionism I guess. The use of oil pastel is like those crayons of the five year old girl.  Pressing and rubbing and blending - it really is so satisfying.
French impressionist, Paul Gauguin said not to assign a fixed  and unchangeable colour  to every object. Use your imagination.  I have always loved Dr.Seuss's unique and quirky imagination - he would say that he looked at life through the wrong end of the telescope and that fantasy is a necessary ingredient of living.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Title: Heigl's Place
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10

Quote for the Day:
 "The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between
 work and play"Arnold Toynbee.

I love my painting - it's something I have always done.  When I was a little girl of 5 years old; I received a colouring book and crayons from my parents and my art career was launched.  First thing I did was to colour the skin on the people.  Well there was no skin tone in the box of crayons I received so I began using a combination of brown, orange, red and then a hard pressing of a white crayon on top and wa la!  There you have it - skin.  This was a very labour intensive  process because there was lots of pressing and blending involved to get that skin tone. But I can remember that moment as clear as if it was yesterday. This was when I knew I wanted to be an artist.  
It is all I have ever wanted to be.
There is a lot of work involved in being an artist but for me it is play.

Monday, 24 October 2011


Title: Wings of Hope
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8
Quote for the Day:
"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.  My strength lies solely in my tenacity."  Louis Pasteur
I read my friend Kara Went's Blog today and she said she had a bad day yesterday.  
Kara I dedicate this painting to you.  I believe in you and I know you can do it.
Keep your chin up! Sometimes it's just one step at a time.
Hope you are feeling better soon.

Sunday, 23 October 2011


Title: Raven Sunrise
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8
Quote for the Day:
"I believe we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same.  In each, it's the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes, in some area, an athlete of God. Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired."  
Martha Graham

Saturday, 22 October 2011


Title: 40 Below on the Yukon River
Medium:  Acrylic
Size 6x6
I have finally succumbed ! There you have it snow and ice and cold temperatures
The weather forecast shows temperatures as low as -15 in the next few nights.
I love the look of the landscape it has a magical look.  
Quote for the Day:  
"Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye.  It also includes the inner pictures of the Soul.  Edvard Munch

Friday, 21 October 2011


Title:  Into the Mystic
Medium:  Mixed Media
Size: 6x6
Quote for the day:
If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you"
T. Alan Armstrong

This started out as a lake and became mountains and a lake.  Another from imagination piece.  I notice my "from imagination pieces" are very impressionistic and my photo referenced pieces lean more towards realism.

Thursday, 20 October 2011


Title: Sunrise:  Tintina Trench
Medium:  Acrylic
Size: 5x7
Quote for the day:
"Dawn and sunset are the times when nature herself is unstable and in flux.  The nocturnal world and the daytime world are meeting, and for a brief moment coexisting. It's not a neat hard cut, but a blurred, irregular dissolve.  These moments are the seams in existence through which we can get a glimpse of the deeper, fundamentally random, chance workings of a system in which we are only a small, insignificant player."
Bill Viola

I used Nina Toeller's photo for reference for this painting.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Title: Setting Sun on the Ice
Medium:  Acrylic
Size: 6x8
My posting for today is rather late - My son Ben had an accident on the Robert Campbell Hwy. on the way to our property.  Thankfully it was not serious!  He walked 8 km almost to Magundy.  Not one person picked him up.  Then a kind soul did when he almost got to our acreage. The roads are really slippery in patches out on the highway.  
I had started this painting earlier today - I was trying to achieve the effect of ice.  I may re-take the photo tomorrow morning and replace this one because the lighting was pretty poor. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Title:Impression: My Sunrise
Medium: Mixed Media
Size: 6x8
Monet said:  "I've caught this magical landscape and it's the enchantment of it that I'm so keen to render.  Of course lots of people will protest that it's quite unreal, but that's just too bad."

Monet is one of my favourite impressionists and the other would be Cezanne.
I love Monet's piece: Impression: Sunrise.  The term impressionism was taken from this piece.  This picture was underlaid with acrylic and then I used oil sticks to finish off the colours.  It is rather pointillistic with all those dots.
We have a light dusting of snow and this should drive away the winter blues.

Monday, 17 October 2011


Title:  Lichen and Bearberry
Medium:  Acrylic
Size 6x8
Today I head back to Faro.  I have a whole bunch of shopping to do and then a 4 hour drive. Over the years I have actually come to enjoy the long drive.  It gives me time to think and I listen to lots of music which always lifts me up.  I have my new winter tires and the weather is good. 
I hope to paint many more works with this type of subject matter.  I love the boreal forest and I have taken many photos from Magundy of the forest floor. Lots of mushrooms, deadfall, moss and flora.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


Title: Aspen Pond - Robert Campbell Highway
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8
"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast"  
Lewis Carroll

This shift completes my week  at Yukon Artists At Work it has been truly great to be involved.  I enjoy communicating, exchanging ideas and supporting my fellow artists and meeting all the people that walk in the door. 
I used to think "Oh - I can't do this because....."  or "Oh -I couldn't be an active member of YAAW because I live so far away and I have too many other priorities. 
Anything is possible if we make it so. 
I think the creative person needs a balance between solitude (to create your work) and community and collaboration with other artists 
(to feed the artistic process and make you a part of something bigger than just yourself). 
Even Cezanne found the impressionists in the end.
I am looking forward to going home to see my lovely family and to my solitude.
But I look forward to coming back to be a part of my new artist family!

This painting is done from memory and imagination.  My husband, Jeff and I went for a walk across the Highway from our acreage along the cut-line and we came upon a spot like this.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


Title:  Blue Sky and Wind
Medium:  Mixed Media
Size: 10x14
We had a great crowd of people at YAAW last night.  John Boivin's show was a success.
This morning I am on my way down to the Baked Cafe in Whitehorse and then back to the Gallery.

The painting above was done from imagination.
It has a breezy feeling and as my friend Connie Meade says " your signature leaning tree"  is in the painting.
For some reason it reminds me of Bennett Lake.

Friday, 14 October 2011


Title:  Faro Peak - Golden Sunset
Medium: Acrylic
Size:  6x8

Yukon Artists At Work has a busy day today.  The opening of John Boivin's show is today. Beautiful bold colours and incredible detail - if I were to try to define his style it would be impressionistic realism and there is a rhythmic flow to his paintings- the opening reception is at 5pm.
In the last few days  I have met some of the artists, tonight I will meet more at John's show.  I want to do to work at the gallery regularly I feel it is really important.  

There is lots of molding paste mixed with the paint to create texture on this newest painting. I used a sgraffito technique to scratch into the paint in the foreground to create a very textured look as well.  

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Title:  Where Eagles Soar
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8
Well, What can I say! I guess I love orange I just can't help it.  It is such a warm fiery colour it gives me a lift.  I have been in Whitehorse for a couple of days now and all is going well. Although the roads are pretty slick with the temp. hovering around  freezing. My first day at YAAW was truly great !  I am so happy to do my part and helping out makes me more apart of it.  I really like the energy at YAAW - I feel there is a real sense of community and sharing.  Harreson Tanner and I took down Nicole's show and today John Boivin's show goes up.  He is an acrylic landscape painter. The opening for his show is tomorrow night and I look forward to being there.
The gallery has a solo show every two weeks and all the artists help the other artist whose turn it is for the show.
Walking around the gallery yesterday and just visually drinking up all the beautiful art was so inspiring.
Another Quote for the Day:
"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40: 31

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Title: The Pond at Magundy
Medium: Acrylic
Size 8x10
I head down to YAAW today - Whitehorse looks like a winter wonderland!
Very pretty.
This pond is along our Lane and it is one of the most peaceful places on Earth.  It has many personalities and I could probably paint a hundred paintings of it alone  if I put my mind to it.Thoreau had his Walden pond and I have mine!
It seems appropriate to quote Thoreau now as he is one of my favourite visionaries:

"I have learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances
confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours"

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Title:  Faro Peak Sunset
Medium: Acrylic

Today I leave for Whitehorse.  From Wed. Oct 12 to Sun. Oct.16 - I will at Yukon Artists At Work and working as the Gallery Attendant.  We all have a required amount of shifts as members.
If anyone wants to come and visit me, I will be painting everyday while there and posting from Whitehorse.  The location of the gallery is 120  Industrial Road.  If you go down Two-mile Hill  you turn left about half way down and the gallery is on the right hand side in a small strip mall.  It is really worth a look -we have a great line-up of artists and Nicole Bauberger's  Solo Show is up right now.  She is an Encaustic/Oil painter and I am really looking forward to seeing her work.

I will do a few sunsets this week :)

Monday, 10 October 2011


Title: Sunset - Lapie Lakes
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I have decided to finish the South Canol area with a Sunset.  I would like to do a suite on Sunsets as well but  need to change my colour scheme a bit with my sunsets.  I always gravitate to brilliant oranges and yellows.  I am starting to relax into this process of painting and am really enjoying these small pieces.
 I mentioned Robert Genn's Newsletter in yesterday's comments and I would also like to share with you that I, for the first time decided to send in a comment about another topic that was presented.  I will post my comment here as it may not be selected
The topic was"The Plight of the Undiscovered Artist"

Jackie Irvine, Faro Yukon

Is art about sales, marketing and money?  The fundamental question is “Why do I paint?” Is it a means to an end? My end is not the Money! At the end of the day I have come to the conclusion that if I didn’t make a dime at my painting for the rest of my life - I would still paint.  Why?  Because I love it and it makes me happy.  I do it because when I don’t, my dreams manifest the images for me and end up waking me up in the middle of the night. I believe there is an archetypal artist that paints because they feel called to do so.  It is an intrinsic part of their psyche and regardless of any hardship that is presented they  remain passionate about their process.  Do I want to make money from my art? Of course! But this is not the reason I paint.
That’s another story.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Title: The Rose River, The South Canol
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x6
It was nice to paint a different area on the South Canol. I enjoyed the Lapie Lakes area
but needed a change.  Rivers have a lot of movement and you can see the bottom in areas. I have a painting in Yukon Artists At Work of the Magundy River which is a lot bigger (3ft x 4ft) than this one and found the water quite a challenge.  I subscribe to a twice weekly newsletter by Robert Genn and there was a recent discussion about painting big works. It was very helpful information to me because the basic concept of the discussion was to use small paintings to work out your big ones and to translate to scale what is in the small to the big painting and resist filling the areas in with "stuff".  When I am done this project I will have some good reference material for larger works.

Saturday, 8 October 2011


Title: On the Way to Lapie - The South Canol
Medium:  Acrylic
Size 6x8
Well I guess I made it through my first week.  I  have two more paintings to do if I want to reach my goal of 10 for this area. The South Canol Highway which is about 60 km from where I live is closed in the winter as the road is not maintained. It can even be treacherous in the summer if there is a lot of rain. But the drive is "oh so worth the views".  I think I will paint some rivers from the area tomorrow and the next day. The Rose River is very beautiful and I have some nice reference material for it.

Friday, 7 October 2011


Title:  Lapie Lakes #2, South Canol
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 6x8
I had to use a different camera to take this picture and I notice a big difference in the quality of the photo.  (This one is better quality) I have an old fuji digital camera and it does not want to upload the pics anymore.

I will be in Whitehorse next week starting Wednesday Oct. 12 at the
YAAW Gallery (Yukon Artists At Work).  As a member I am required to do a quota of shifts every year.  I will be at the Gallery every day until Sunday.
One of our members Nicole Bauberger has a solo show starting tonight and it runs for a few weeks.  I am looking forward to seeing her work.
Good Luck Nicole - wish I could be at the opening tonight!

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Lapie Lakes, The South Canol
Medium:  Acrylic
Size: 8x10
This is a pretty well-known spot on the South Canol as you are approaching the lake you can see it from the highway.  I may be coming to the end soon of paintings of this area.  My goal is to have 10 paintings of the South Canol.  
I love the fall colours!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Title: South Canol Reflections
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10
I am learning a lot about how to use acrylic paint.  It is so much more forgiving than watercolour which I used for years. There is more freedom because you can make a mistake and just change it over and over again.
In 2004, I wanted a change so I bought all the supplies for acrylics and away I went.  It has taken some time to learn how to use it and at times I have felt frustrated. I am looking forward to taking a workshop with an acrylic artist. There are tips and techniques that you pick up that you can't get from a book that make it so much easier!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Title:  Evening Light - South Canol
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others a yellow spot into the sun"
Pablo Picasso

When a painting has light it comes alive.  I love the light and I realize that the more I mature as an artist the more aware I have become of it.  John Singer-Sargent was a master of light and he classified 5 different kinds:  These being light; midtone; shadow; accents; and reflected light.  I  think it is worthwhile to know how each works in a painting and incorporate them in my paintings.  Only problem is I don't really think about it!  But I think it's like anything else in life in order to do something without thinking  you have to be willing to do it very intentionally, slowly and even mechanically at first until it becomes second nature.  IIt's like when you learned to ride a bike or tie your shoes"

Monday, 3 October 2011

100 PAINTINGS IN 100 DAYS #3 / Oct.3, 2011

Title: Lapie Lake, The South Canol
Medium:  Acrylic
Size: 5x7

After painting 8x10 's this painting sure felt small.  I had to work on the water quite a bit to get the reflection.  But I like there to be movement as well. This is a lovely Lake and I will paint this as a Sunset in the weeks to come. 

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Title:  South Canol Autumn
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10

I really liked the light in Nina's photo and I tried to recreate this in the painting.  Easier said than done.  I have worked from photos lots and what I have discovered is that they rarely show the true value of what is actually there in real life. I therefore often change colour and values lots and I find that Shadowed dark areas cannot be translated literally.
I also add elements to the painting that were not there at all; in this one it is the dead tree leaning across the middle.  

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Title:  South Canol, Yukon
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10
Well I have officially begun! 
I was really excited about the approaching date of this major project that I am undertaking. One of my favourite places to go in the Yukon is the South Canol Highway and in the next few days there will be some more paintings from this area. I love the fall colours.  My friend Nina Toeller has taken quite a few beautiful
photos and she has given me permission to use any of them for inspiration. 
Thank you Nina
I have to e-mail my Life Coach and tell her that I have begun.  Her name is Liz Wiltzen and she is also a wonderful artist and I believe that it was meant to be that I found her.
 It's perfect an artist coaching an artist.  
 Her Website for her paintings is:  www.lizwiltzen.com
Her coaching website is www.liveattuned.com
(If you don't understand what life coaching is it is really worth a look just to see)
She has also painted 100 paintings in 100 days (alas I am not the first!) 
I am so GRATEFUL that I can paint and that I have something in my life that gives me such JOY!